
Connecting legal cultures
An article L. 312-4-1 is added to Section 2 of Chapter II of Title I of Book III of the Code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile (CESEDA): Art. L. 312-4-1. CESEDA : « The long-stay visa is issued automatically to British nationals who own a second home in France. They...
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How to make an application under Czabaj case law in a fiscal dispute? If a taxpayer (or his lawyer) decides to make a contentious claim, and his claim receives a rejection notification from the tax administration, the latter must indicate the means of appeal and deadlines for judicial recourse available to the taxpayer who has...
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In real estate, “bargains” are not uncommon. Professional transfer, divorce, family drama … busy sellers are often forced to sell off their property. For the benefit of the purchaser who seized the opportunity. Problem: the “good deal” awakens sometimes the interest of the taxman who can initiate a procedure of rectification of price or recovery...
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French income tax for non-residents Non-residents who earn rentals income from a property they own in France are liable in France to pay income tax on the net proceeds of that activity. In practice, a minimum imposition of 20% applies. Most non-residents benefit from a double taxation treaty, which grants partial relief against liability to...
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Visa applications for non-EU homeowners in France: liberate yourself for good French immigration law states that a temporary residency card of four years — known as the Carte Visiteur (Visitor) — can be granted to any foreigner who proves they hold sufficient earnings and assets, and who commits to not working in France. Earning of...
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Homeowners in France: should you pay the 3% tax? All legal entities that — directly, indirectly or through an intermediary entity — hold one or more properties situated in France must pay an annual tax equal to 3% of the property market value. This applies to entities such as French and Monaco SCIs as well...
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French legal interest for 2016 : The french legal interest applicable for 2016 has been set at the following amounts by the French Government : – 4,54 % for claims between individuals – 1,01 % for claims between professionals Download the PDF document : ARRETE DU 23 DECEMBRE 2015  
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French wealth tax for non residents to be applicable for assets above 2,7 millions euros. Do you hold assets in France for a value above 2,7 millions euros ? If so, you would be well advised to read on : Download the PDF DOCUMENT : WEALTH TAX DECLARATION 2725 FOR ASSETS ABOVE 2,7 MILLIONS EUROS Download...
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The capital gain rate 33,1/3 % is not applicable to Swiss residents, French Highest Court says. The Conseil d’Etat ruled on November 20th, 2013 that the article 15-4° of the Swiss-French Tax Treaty denies the French Tax Collection Center to apply the capital gain rate 33,1/3 % to the swiss residents. The capital gain rate...
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French legal interest for 2015 : The french legal interest applicable for 2015 has been set at the following amounts by the French Government : – 4,06 % for claims between individuals – 0,93 % for claims between professionals Download the PDF document : ARRETE DU 23 DECEMBRE 2014  
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