
Post on french property tax
A short summary with the official deadlines for submitting your various French tax returns for 2020: I – IRPP (French income tax) declaration (for income received in 2019): For residents of departments numbered 1 to 19 as well as for non-French tax residents (Zone 1): the deadline is 4 June 2020; For residents in departments...
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The recording of theoretical rent in the financial accounts of foreign companies owning property in France As a preliminary point, it is recalled that this article is intended for companies set up under foreign law owning property in France. As a reminder, if a company under foreign law (e.g. an LLC under British law, subject...
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Brexit France Angleterre
The effects of Brexit on the transfer of shares in English companies held by French tax residents On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union, and a transition period should therefore begin, and continue on until the end of the year (2020). By leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom will...
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