I specialize mostly in the areas of real estate law, including sales, SCI, co-ownership, construction, landlord-tenant and foreclosure. I also provide legal services in related matters, such as inheritance and tax liability, Experienced with british clients.

Benjamin Kergueno


Attorney at Law :

Nom de l’entreprise Luciani Law Office
Dates d’emploi janv. 2004 – janv. 2012
Durée d’emploi 8 ans 1 mois

I worked mostly in litigation in the areas of civil law, contracts, company law and real estate. I dealt also with many cases in the field of personal injury law


University of Amsterdam
Nom du diplôme LL.M
Domaine d’études EU Business Law
Années de fréquentation ou date prévue d’obtention du diplôme 1998 – 1999
EU competition law, EU substantive law, EU tax law

University of Exeter
Nom du diplôme Master
Domaine d’études EU Law
Années de fréquentation ou date prévue d’obtention du diplôme 1997 – 1998
Activités et associations : Moot court, Out of doors society, golf
Contract law, company law, EU substantive law, international public law

Aix-Marseille Université
Nom du diplôme LL.B
Domaine d’études Law
Années de fréquentation ou date prévue d’obtention du diplôme 1994 – 1997
Civil law, contract law, constitutional law, EU law, international public law