Public property auctions

Public Property Auctions in France : How does it work ?

Auction bannerAnyone willing to buy real estate property at a French Public Auction of a High Court must contact a lawyer registered at the local Bar Association to represent him at the hearing auction.

Here are some of the legal topics reviewed in the following section :

Formalities prior to auction 

General informations (date of the auction, designation of property, amount of maximum bid, disclosure of identity)

Proof of solvency

Signature of mandate

Formalities subsequent to auction

principal purchase price due


prior charges

transfer of taxes





Contact Maître Benjamin A. Kergueno, Attorney at Law today if you are willing to bid at a french public property auction. Maître Benjamin A. Kergueno, LL.M will provide you with a full set of informations and with the adequate counsels for your projects.

Bidders' hands lifting auction paddlesFor more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding real estate and property law, please contact us.