Article 13 of Ordinance No. 7.065 states which elements must be reported to enable identification of beneficial owners (see. below).
In addition, where ownership is indirect, the manner in which share capital is held must be provided.
Similarly, the manner in which persons exercise control over the company or entity must be provided where this is “by any other means”.
In addition, the date on which a person became a beneficial owner of the company must be provided.
The beneficial ownership form must be signed by:
- the legally authorised representative of the company;
- or anyone else authorised to represent the company.
Regarding the identity of persons having access to the information published in the “register of beneficial owners”, Article 22 of Law No. 1.362, as amended by Law No. 1.462 specifies that the following will have access to this data:
- the Monegasque public authorities (e.g. the Service d’Information et de Contrôle sur les Circuits Financiers, the judicial authorities, and authorised agents of the Department of Tax Services);
- organisations and other persons defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Law;
- anyone with a legitimate interest in money laundering, terrorist financing and/or corruption, provided that they are authorised by the President of the Court of First Instance.
The beneficial ownership register will be annexed to the register at the RCI.
Important: entities and companies have a period of 2 years from the publication of Law No. 1.462 to file the form with the RCI, so you have until 28 June 2020 to meet your reporting obligations.