
January 2019
The property tax regime implemented as of 1 January 2018, by the Finance Act for the year 2018, had already been the subject of additional clarifications by administrative doctrine (BOFIP) on June 8 2018. However, the legislator has taken note of some legal uncertainty regarding the legal regime of the IFI. The legislator has decided...
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Il trust è un’istituzione singolare che potrebbe definire si come un insieme di relazioni giuridiche, fondate sulla fiducia, (Trust in inglese significante fiducia). Questa istituzione ha dato alcune difficoltà al diritto francese, difatti non esiste di istituzione simile in diritto francese, si tratta là di una pura creazione anglosassone. Così spesso si assimila il Trust...
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The trust is a singular institution, which could be defined as a set of legal relationships, based on trust (Trust in English meaning confidence). This institution has caused some difficulties for French law, indeed there is no similar institution under French law, as it is a purely Anglo-Saxon creation. Although we often equate Trust with...
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Le trust est une institution singulière, qui pourrait se définir comme un ensemble de relations juridiques, fondé sur la confiance (Trust en anglais signifiant confiance). Cette institution a donné à quelques difficultés au droit français, en effet il n’existe pas d’institution semblable en droit français, il s’agit là d’une pure création anglo-saxonne. Si souvent on...
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Le PAS « prélèvement à la source » est entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2019. Il ne s’agit pas d’un nouvel impôt mais du nouveau mécanisme de recouvrement de l’impôt sur les revenus perçus par les contribuables. Cette grande nouveauté a pour but de s’adapter à la vie des contribuables (naissance, mariage, PACS, décès…),...
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“Withholding tax” (in French, PAS – prélèvement à la source) came into effect on the 1 st of January 2019. This is not a new tax, but the new mechanism for collecting tax on the income received by taxpayers. This great novelty aims to adapt to the lives of taxpayers (birth, marriage, PACS, death…), so...
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